Sports Dreams, Inc. is very proud of the Girls in the Game (“GIG”) program it created and developed. As part of developing the program, a comprehensive manual was created to provide to any entity that works with elementary aged through middle school aged children.
The manual is user-friendly and in a format that allows anyone teaching our program to effectively deliver each session. There are a number of activities, both team-oriented and individual in nature along with key life skill development ideas and ways to develop them in each session breakout. Proven methods of inclusion and linking to prior knowledge are featured throughout the manual; helping site coordinators put forth a professional, all-encompassing development program for the girls.
Though Sports Dreams no longer operates the program, the GIG Manual can be made available to similarly minded non-profit organizations.
Please reference a sample of our manual below and see what an impact it can have on your organization! For details and licensure issues, please contact Amiel J. Rossabi, Executive Director at (336) 253-5953 or by using our Contact form.
Please feel free to view excerpts of our GIG Playbook (.pdf).